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Danielle Duet Rother | Spoken Bride |Wedding | Amy K Photography LLC Minnesota

Hello my lovely friends! 😄 My name is Danielle and I'm so happy you came by to visit.


I'm a Traditional Catholic content creator with a background in digital art and graphic design. I enjoy creating fun content for you on YouTube, Instagram, and other social media platforms.


My YouTube channel features videos about the Catholic faith as well as many other topics — including, but not limited to: makeup, beauty, fashion, mental health, pop-culture, music (Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are my faves), movies (especially Disney movies), and so much more! Thank you for stopping by. Please subscribe and I hope you enjoy! 💜

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Get To Know Me:
Danielle Duet Rother

featured guest author

Corpus Christi Watershed

Published June 14, 2017

Danielle and Jeff Rother Engagement

Wearing the Veil at
Ordinary Form Masses?

I have been wearing the chapel veil to Mass for about three years, ever since we began attending the Extraordinary Form Latin Mass. Many of the women who frequent the Latin Mass wear the veil, so it was easy for me to pick up on this tradition.

The more challenging aspect was to decide whether to wear it when attending the Ordinary Form of the Mass, since it is not as common. But after wearing the veil consistently to the Latin Mass I realized it had an important impact on my spiritual life. Our posture during Mass — such as kneeling, and the way we dress, wearing the mantilla, and so forth — are beautiful symbols of reverence and humility before God. Moreover, they give an outward reflection of what we believe as Catholics.

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Home: Spoken Bride
Danielle and Jeff Spoken Bride Catholic Latin Mass Fairy Tale Wedding | Amy K Photography LLC Minnesota


Spoken Bride

Published November 21, 2018

Danielle + Jeff 
Latin Mass Fairy Tale Wedding

Shortly after celebrating their first anniversary as husband and wife, newlywed Danielle reflects back on her wedding day with her husband, Jeff.

She says, “The memory of that special day is never far from my mind. I still recall something that our priest said during the homily at our nuptial Mass, which was, ‘Take this early time, this time in which despite whatever fears and anxieties you have, most everything that you dream of seems possible. And cherish that time.’

For Danielle, the whole day felt like a fairy tale come true.

How He Asked

Danielle and Jeff How He Asked Spoken Bride Catholic Engagement Proposal | Alyssa Duet Photography

Published June 28, 2017

Danielle and Jeff grew up 1300 miles from each other, in Florida and Minnesota, respectively. By the time they met at the University of St. Thomas during grad school, Jeff was in seminary, though he’d recently discerned he wasn’t called to continue with formation for the priesthood. They’d cross paths within the same group of friends here and there, but Danielle was surprised and hesitant when, the following year, Jeff made it clear he’d like to actively pursue her heart.

Betrothal Ceremony

Danielle and Jeff Spoken Bride Catholic Rite of Betrothal Ceremony Engagement | Alyssa Duet Photography

Published July 26, 2017

You may remember Danielle and Jeff from their How He Asked feature, published in June. Today, we're excited to share with you their betrothal ceremony, a traditional Catholic rite of blessing for engaged couples. If you're not familiar with the Rite of Betrothal, read on to find out what it is, how it's done, and why they are increasingly popular amongst young Catholics. 

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The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.

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